Magnets Shapes And Poles
Magnets are divided into two groups as natural and artificial in nature. While natural magnets are very rare, artificial magnets are the most widely used in daily life. Artificial magnets obtained from materials such as iron, nickel and cobalt by various methods can be produced in different magnet shapes such as bar, flat, needle, cylinder, U and horseshoe.
The properties of the magnet can be easily observed on iron powders. The magnet poles cause iron powders to collect more at the ends of the magnet. This happens at the ends where the magnet's attraction is highest. In the center of the magnet the attraction is low, towards the ends it increases.
In Which Fields Are Magnets Used?
Magnets are widely used in making compass, telephone earphones, telephone earphones, radio, bell, television, toys, refrigerator, electric motors etc. used in vehicles. Soft magnets that can be bent can also be obtained by adding additives such as rubber to the magnets. These magnets are used in refrigerator doors, electronic industry, surgery techniques in medicine.
Making Compass Using Magnets
The first use of the magnet was probably in the form of a compass needle. It is known that Chinese sailors have been using compass to determine direction in navigation for a thousand years. With the aid of a compass, they were able to navigate the right course without the aid of a landmark or even the sun and stars. In 1600, English scientist William Gilbert (1544-1603) came up with an entirely new idea to explain how a magnet works. He suggested that the Earth itself could be a giant magnet. Today, it is known that the Earth has two magnetic poles, north and south. As you get deeper into magnet shapes and poles, the door to many different subjects is opened.